Rosemary from Morocco (10 ML) - Free Shipping

Rosemary from Morocco (10 ML) - Free Shipping


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  • Organic Rosemary

Botanical Name

  • Rosmarinus Officinalis


  • Morocco

Parts Used

  • Herb

Extraction Method

  • Steam Distilled

Main Constituents

  • 1,8 cineole: 44.7%

  • Alpha-pinene: 14.9 %

  • Camphor: 11.6%

  • Camphene: 4.6 %

  • Beta-pinene: 4.3%

  • Beta-caryophyllene: 2.9%

  • Limonene: 2.5%

  • Borneol: 2.1%

  • Alpha-terpineol: 1.7%

  • P-cymene: 1.6%

  • Beta-myrcene: 1.4%

Description of Color, and Consistency

  • A thin, clear, colorless to pale yellow liquid.


Precaution and Safety

  • Avoid during pregnancy. Not to be used by epileptics. Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing.

Therapeutic Properties

You can find our aromatherapy glossary here for the terms below.

  • Analgesic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cicatrisant, decongestant, depurative, diuretic, immunostimulant, restorative, spasmolytic, stomachic, stimulant, antidepressant, cholagogue, digestive, hepatic, hypertensive, rubefacient, sudorific, tonic, vulnerary.

Aromatherapy/Home use

  • Might help alleviate the following: muscular aches and pain, rheumatism, arthritis, muscular weakness, muscular injury, headache, migraine, gastric upset, abdominal spasm, respiratory conditions, sinus congestion, fluid retention, heavy legs, edema, eczema, cellulite, detoxifying, memory enhancement, general debility, acne, pimples, boils, abscesses, dandruff, hair loss, asthma, concentration, focus and mental function, stress, increase energy, insect repellent, roach repellent.


  • A middle note with a strong aroma, Rosemary has a fresh, strong, woody and herbal scent.

Blends Well With

  • Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Cistus, Citronella, Coriander, Cypress, Elemi, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Hyssop Decumbens, Immortelle, Juniper Berry, Lavandin, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Mandarin, Marjoram, Niaouli, Peppermint, Petitgrain, Ravensara, Ravintsara, Saro, Spearmint, Spruce, Tangerine, Tarragon, Thyme, Turmeric, Ylang Ylang.

Product Abstract

  • An evergreen shrub with numerous branches, Rosemary's bark is ash-colored and scaly with leathery, thick leaves that are lustrous and dark green with white underneath. Its tiny pale blue blossoms abound from December through spring, and it can grow to heights of close to 2 meters. Its name means 'dew of the sea' because Rosemary naturally grows near the Mediterranean Sea. It has been used medicinally for several thousand years, and its leaves were traditionally burned to purify the air. Rosemary was used in Roman burial rites, and that practice continued well into the middle ages when it was customary to lay branches of rosemary on the coffin at funerals.

The information included in this page has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and is not intended to diagnose, cure or threat any diseases. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care consult your physician prior using essential oils, and are not for internal use. Keep away from children and pets.

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